EAM Annual Pig Roast 2024
GREEN LANE PARK AT THE PAVILON 2144 Snyder Rd, Green Lane, PennsylvaniaCamping available Friday 9/27 to Sunday 9/29 Bring a side dish or deserts 2 Speaker meeting at 3:00 PM
Serving Bucks & Montgomery Counties Pa
To submit an AA event, group anniversary workshop etc. to the A.A. District 23 Events Calendar Send flyer and event information to…
Camping available Friday 9/27 to Sunday 9/29 Bring a side dish or deserts 2 Speaker meeting at 3:00 PM
5pm food, fun, fellowship 6pm speaker meeting Potluck: Bring something to share
Please join us for FOOD, FUN andFELLOWSHIP and celebrating out 46th year!6:30 PM – Celebration7:30 PM – Meeting (2 Speakers)
Join us to hear Four Speakers with over 30 years of sobriety, sharing their experience strength and hope! Breakfast Buffet, Coffee Service 50/50 Raffle paypal.HostedButtons({ hostedButtonId: "AJ4UV3HT5WWLG", }).render("#paypal-container-AJ4UV3HT5WWLG")
All GSRs, ADCMs, DCMs, Area Officers, Past Delegates and all interested A.A. members are welcome to attend. Your Home Group should financially support it’s GSR in attending the our annual Convention/Assembly. In even-numbered years we have elections for the Delegate and Area Officers. In odd-numbered years we gather for an Assembly where the Area Officers …
Share-A-Day is an opportunity to share ideas about how to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. In Eastern PA, a Share-A-Day typically refers to a daylong event sponsored below the group level by (Area 59 and the South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup S.E.P.I.A) centered around a selected topics affecting our groups.
Come help us celebrate the oldest group in Area 59 District 23 originally known as the "Farmers Group". The North Wales Group invites you to join us for Food Fun Fellowship 7:00 PM followed by Anniversary Speaker Meeting.
Share-A-Day is an opportunity to share ideas about how to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. In Eastern PA, a Our Share-A-Day refers to an event sponsored by Area 59 and the South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup S.E.P.I.A centered around a selected topics affecting our groups.
Celebrating 23 years with speakers food and fellowship All Are Welcome To Attend
Sisters in Sobriety Group of New Britain is celebrating their 34th anniversary with food and fellowship beginning at 7 pm Please Bring a Covered Dish This is an Open meeting All are welcome
The SEPIA Round Up an annual event is the biggest fundraiser for the South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup Association. S.E.P.I.A is an organization that serves the groups of the 5-county southeastern pa area making 12 step commitments available and educating the community about AA and alcoholism. Marathon Meetings, A.A./Al-Anon Speakers, Ice Cream Socials, Long-Timers Panel, Friday …
Join The Members from Alive & Kicking at its First Annual Anniversary Breakfast