To submit an AA event, group anniversary workshop etc. to the A.A. District 23 Events Calendar Send flyer and event information to…
SEPIA 58th Annual Round-Up
March 7 @ 12:00 pm – March 9 @ 3:00 pm
The SEPIA Round Up an annual event is the biggest fundraiser for the South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup Association. S.E.P.I.A is an organization that serves the groups of the 5-county southeastern pa area making 12 step commitments available and educating the community about AA and alcoholism.
Marathon Meetings, A.A./Al-Anon Speakers, Ice Cream Socials, Long-Timers Panel, Friday & Saturday Night Dances, Beach Meetings, Intergroup Rep Meeting, Free Coffee
Registration Information $40 on or before March 1, 2025.
$45 Standard Registration at the door.
Hotel Registration MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY with the HOTEL
Call the Grand Hotel at 800-257-8550 or 609-884-5611
Must state discount rate group code: 677426
Single or Double Rooms: $204 per night; Townhouses: $333 per night.
Accommodations vary for single king suites.
Rooms are first come, first serve. Discounts only until February 6.