Nobody invented Alcoholics Anonymous. It grew. Trial and error has produced a rich experience. Little by little we have been adopting the lessons of that experience, first as policy and then as tradition. Bill W. April 1946

An Informed Group Conscience is Key to A.A. Unity the binding force that allows us to fulfill our Primary Purpose. To carry the A.A. message to the still sick and suffering Alcoholic.
It is our hope that this site will provide our groups and members with both the information and motivation to continue our journey in service of that which spared our lives of Alcoholic destruction. On this page we will post some of the resources that may be helpful to you and your groups.
P-16 – The A.A. Group
Informal guide tells how a group works most effectively, how a new group can be started, and how each group can be linked to A.A. as a whole. This pamphlet hammered out on the anvils of experience is an invaluable tool to help ensure the strength and unity of your A.A. Group or meeting.
As it says in Concept I: The final responsibility and the ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
Does Your Group Have A GSR?
P-19 – G.S.R. Your group’s link to A.A. as a whole
For a new general service representative, this leaflet outlines responsibilities and useful sources of information; for a group, what to keep in mind when electing a G.S.R.
Ultimately participation in the service structure of Alcoholics Anonymous not only keeps are groups well but is certainly the opportunity for all individuals who have found themselves in A.A. to benefit from all that our program of recovery has to offer.
Unity – Service – Recovery
If you are a group in Eastern Pennsylvania Area 59 District 23 and would like more information or have questions or concerns about the A.A. meetings you attend please feel free to Contact Us. Curious about service? Any A.A. member is welcome to attend our monthly District 23 meetings held the First Wednesday of each month Click Here for District Meeting Time and Location.
Is your group struggling? District 23 is here to help. Contact Us.
Printing a single copy of any of the above pamphlets is permitted, in accordance with the A.A. World Services, Inc. Content Use Policy.