Working Together Increasing Trust Workshop
Andrews Hall AA/Doylestown 125 Mechanics St, Doylestown, PennsylvaniaYour participation in the General Service Conference begins here!Speakers and Round Table DiscussionRefreshments & Fellowship
Serving Bucks & Montgomery Counties Pa
To submit an AA event, group anniversary workshop etc. to the A.A. District 23 Events Calendar Send flyer and event information to…
Your participation in the General Service Conference begins here!Speakers and Round Table DiscussionRefreshments & Fellowship
Join District 51 as they host a picnic event! Food Fun and Fellowship! Speaker at 2:30 PM. Bring a chair, bring a friend, bring something to share. 50/50 Raffle and free giveaways.
This is an opportunity for our District members to see the workings of our Area 59 Panel 73 and to meet the members involved in Eastern Pa. It will be held at the Neshaminy Mall very close by. Lunch will be provided. Please enter through the main mall doors, and you will see signs directing …
Come camping with Buckypaa and Liberty-Bid for EASCYPAA as they co-host Buckypaa’s Annual Campout! Lots of fellowship and activities. Daily meetings and speakers each night! Pre-register to save! $45/weekend $20/Day (Prices go up after Midnight, September 6th) food included in camp fee. Children under 5 are free. Camp-out happens rain or shine~NO REFUNDS
Food, Fun, and Fellowship with Speaker
Camping available Friday 9/27 to Sunday 9/29 Bring a side dish or deserts 2 Speaker meeting at 3:00 PM
5pm food, fun, fellowship 6pm speaker meeting Potluck: Bring something to share
Please join us for FOOD, FUN andFELLOWSHIP and celebrating out 46th year!6:30 PM – Celebration7:30 PM – Meeting (2 Speakers)
Join us to hear Four Speakers with over 30 years of sobriety, sharing their experience strength and hope! Breakfast Buffet, Coffee Service 50/50 Raffle paypal.HostedButtons({ hostedButtonId: "AJ4UV3HT5WWLG", }).render("#paypal-container-AJ4UV3HT5WWLG")
All GSRs, ADCMs, DCMs, Area Officers, Past Delegates and all interested A.A. members are welcome to attend. Your Home Group should financially support it’s GSR in attending the our annual Convention/Assembly. In even-numbered years we have elections for the Delegate and Area Officers. In odd-numbered years we gather for an Assembly where the Area Officers …
Share-A-Day is an opportunity to share ideas about how to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. In Eastern PA, a Share-A-Day typically refers to a daylong event sponsored below the group level by (Area 59 and the South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup S.E.P.I.A) centered around a selected topics affecting our groups.
Come help us celebrate the oldest group in Area 59 District 23 originally known as the "Farmers Group". The North Wales Group invites you to join us for Food Fun Fellowship 7:00 PM followed by Anniversary Speaker Meeting.